Embracing the Future of Identity Provisioning with Entra ID Part 1

Introducing the Azure AD Bulk Upload API, The Next Generation of Provisioning for Enterprise IAM

Replacing MIM: Introducing the Azure AD Bulk Upload API, The Next Generation of Provisioning for Enterprise IAM

As the name of this blog (โ€œMIM and Beyondโ€) suggests, one of the key themes of this blog is to explore how the enterprise can move to a new IAM approach from on-prem based MIM reliant IAM Architecture. Each successive release from Microsoft, with the introduction of new Entra ID releases, demonstrates a gradual and purposeful shift towards more effectively replacing Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM).

Within enterprise environments, Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) offers a distinctive capability by virtue of its comprehensive integration prowess. This is exemplified through the utilization of the Extensible Connectivity 2.0 Management Agent Reference, the Windows PowerShell Connector, and the Grendfelt Powershell Management Agent. These mechanisms enable seamless connections with various systems encompassing the enterprise landscape.

Furthermore, the intrinsic capability to tailor data to align with the distinct requirements of enterprises is a key facet of MIMโ€™s value proposition. This customization is facilitated through tools such as MIMWAL and the Management Agent Rules Extension, enabling efficient data transformation processes.

In view of the aforementioned features and capabilities, Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) emerges as a highly useful utility within the enterprise context.

Placeholder for Image For Existing Enterprise Architecture

However, Microsoft Entra ID has come up with capabilities for matching MIM Capabilities as follows.

Identity Capability Solution using MIM Solution using Entra ID
Integration with well known HR Data Solution Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Workday HR , HR application to Azure Active Directory user provisioning
Integration with In House HR Data Solution File-Based ECMA 2.2 Management Agent API-driven inbound provisioning
Provision to SAAS Application Windows PowerShell Connector App provisioning in Azure Active Directory
Provision to On-Premise Application MIM Connector Reference Azure AD on-premises application identity provisioning
Provision to On-Premise Active Directory How Do I Provision Users to AD DS Cloud HR app to Active Directory user provisioning
Custom Transformation in Provisioning Transforming Data Using Extension Code Understand how expression builder in Application Provisioning works

Introducing the Azure AD Bulk Upload API: The Future of Provisioning ๐Ÿš€

The Azure AD provisioning service just got a major upgrade making us one step closer towards MIM Replacement and even Active Directory Replacement Now, it plays super well with all sorts of HR systems. ๐ŸŽ‰ Enterprise IAM Admins can take their pick of automation tools ( Powershell or Logic App ) to integrate employee data from their record systems and smoothly transfer it into Azure AD or On Premises AD.

๐ŸŒŸ Once your workforce data is in Azure AD, you can use Lifecycle Workflows to automate onboarding, offboarding, and other common identity lifecycle Joiner , Mover , Leaver tasks. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ’ผ

Placeholder for Image For New Enterprise Architecture

Steps for Removing Active Directory from Identity Lifecycle Process

The Big Bang Approach

This method involves turning off directory sync, converting users to Cloud Only Users, and uninstalling Azure AD Connect. A key part of this approach is connecting HR data with Entra ID seamlessly.

# Connect to the Microsoft Graph API with Organization.ReadWrite.All permission scope
Connect-MgGraph -scopes Organization.ReadWrite.All

# Check if the Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement module is installed, and install it if necessary
$module = Get-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement" -ListAvailable
if($null -eq $module)
    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement -scope currentuser -force

# Get the ID of the current organization
$OrgID = (Get-MgOrganization).id

# Define parameters to update the organization's on-premises sync settings
$params = @{
 onPremisesSyncEnabled = $null

# Update the organization's on-premises sync settings using the Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement module
Update-MgBetaOrganization -OrganizationId $OrgID -BodyParameter $params

You can verify the value of the OnPremesisSyncEnabled property, you can use the Select statement as follows:

Get-MgOrganization | Select OnPremisesSyncEnabled

However, this approach makes me nervous for the following reason.

  1. The success of the Big Bang Approach depends on how well HR data and Entra ID integrate. Keep in mind that this integration is still in the early stages, so be cautious when rolling it out across your organization. Make sure the integration is solid before taking this big step. Building a complex integration process that matches all the requirements of an enterprise takes considerable skills and iterative development phases.

  2. Once you disable sync for the whole organization, reversing users back to on-prem managed hybrid users gets tricky. So, think things through before jumping into this major change.

A Thoughtful Transition: Phased Conversion from Hybrid Users to Cloud Users

A phased approach to convert hybrid users into cloud users can offer a prudent and controlled transition.

Assessment and Planning ๐Ÿ“Š

We select a small batch of users for gradual migration. Develop a clear plan outlining the migration timeline, potential challenges, and mitigation strategies.

Pilot Phase ๐Ÿ›ซ

  • Temporarily stop identity synchronization. This will prevent Azure AD Connect from updating the cloud-based identity with any changes made to the on-premises identity.

    Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled $false

  • Move the designated users outside the scope of Azure AD Connect. This can be done by creating a new, separate OU in Active Directory (AD) and moving the users to that OU.

# Connect to Active Directory
 Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Get the distinguished names (DNs) of the users to move
 $user1DN = (Get-ADUser -Identity User1).DistinguishedName
 $user2DN = (Get-ADUser -Identity User2).DistinguishedName

# Move the users to the new OU
 Move-ADObject -Identity $user1DN -TargetPath "OU=NonCloudSynced,DC=example,DC=com"
 Move-ADObject -Identity $user2DN -TargetPath "OU=NonCloudSynced,DC=example,DC=com"

Resume synchronization and force a delta sync. This will synchronize the cloud-based identities with the on-premises identities, but only for the users that have been moved to the new OU.

 Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled $true
 Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta

Restore users from the recycle bin in Azure AD. These users are now orphaned, so they need to be restored before they can be used. Fix any attributes and data for the โ€˜newโ€™ users. Sometimes itโ€™s necessary to tweak the immutableId, but this isnโ€™t strictly required.

$OldUPN = "firstname.lastname@example.com"
$cloudTenant = "onprem.onmicrosoft.com"
$UserName = ($OldUPN -split '@')[0]
$oldSuffix = ($OldUPN -split '@')[1]
$tempUPN = "${UserName}@${cloudTenant}"
$NewUPN = $OldUPN 

$filterUrl = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/directory/deletedItems/microsoft.graph.user?\$filter=endsWith(userPrincipalName,'$OldUPN')&\$count=true"

$deletedObj = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $filterUrl -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop -Headers @{ConsistencyLevel = 'eventual' }

if ($deletedObj.'@odata.count' -eq 0) {
    # Output error or do nothing
    Write-Error "User $OldUPN not found in deleted items"
else {
    $userId = $deletedObj.Value[0].id
    Write-Output $userId

    Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId $userId | Out-Null
    Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$userId" -Method PATCH -Body @{ OnPremisesImmutableId = $null } -Debug
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
    $userObj = Get-MgUser -UserId $NewUPN -Property OnPremisesImmutableId
    if ($null -eq $userObj.OnPremisesImmutableId) {
        "All good!"

The original AD identities cannot be moved back to their initial structure, as they would be matched again with the cloud-based identities. Ideally, the on-premises AD account would be disabled or permanently deleted after a grace period. It is sometimes necessary to tweak the immutableId, but this is not strictly required.

In this article, we explored the future of identity provisioning and how Entra ID is poised to replace Active Directory as the central hub for identity management. We discussed the benefits of moving to Entra ID, including its support for modern authentication methods, its cloud-native agility, and its simplified lifecycle management. We also outlined the steps involved in migrating from Active Directory to Entra ID, including a phased approach that can help organizations transition in a controlled and thoughtful manner.

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